Trackers is a heart-pounding drama series that comes to us from South Africa. It is based on a book by Deon Meyer and follows three separate storylines all involving various forms of crime. These intricate stories of terrorism and smuggling weave together to create a tapestry of the current problems facing many communities in South Africa. While Trackers is filmed and produced in South Africa, it's available in the states on Cinemax, and thankfully it harkens back to the good old fashion days of Skinemax! Sisanda Henna really steals the show here when he showers off naked (I mean, how else does one shower, to be honest). His steamy shower is interrupted by a gunman, but not before we get a look at Henna's perfect muscular butt! The bun doesn't stop there. Well actually, it does, as sadly Sisanda is the only man to show his butt on Trackers. But thankfully the cute and bearded Ed Stoppard isn't afraid to show off his sexy bod during a naughty bedroom scene. And then there's the uber masculine James Gracie. This man is so damn sexy and scruffy, and in one scene we get a look at his pubes as he pulls up his pants! Throw in a super tight and lean bod, and we want to be Maria full of Gracie. Trackers may be more about its thrilling plot that its salacious THOTs, but we still think there's plenty here for true Mr. Man fans. Trackers will turn you into wackers!