The truth is nobody plays a loser quite like Vincent Gallo. But while down and out dudes are his specialty, he's never done ne'er-do-well hotter than when he was starring in the Kiefer Sutherland directed crime drama Truth or Consequences, N.M. (1997). Everyone's favorite Republican director plays Raymond Lembecke, a dude fresh out of prison after he took the fall for mob boss Eddie Grillo (John C. McGinley) despite not having committed any crimes. He comes back to town (yes, it's really a town in New Mexico) expecting Grillo to be so impressed by his loyalty that he'll make him a boss, only to get handed a warehouse job after a decade in the clink. Rightfully pissed off, Lembecke decides he'll rob Eddie as revenge and gathers up his crew: his girlfriend Addy (Kim Dickens), the violent psycho Curtis (Kiefer Sutherland) and the undercover DEA agent Marcus (Mykelti Williamson). Whoops. Obviously, things go awry and soon enough Raymond has both the cops and a hitman (Martin Sheen) Eddie's boss hires hot on his tail. Poor Raymond just can't catch a break! Luckily, the impending doom doesn't keep Vincent or Keifer from stripping shirtless and enjoying the fresh air. Vincent, who famously got a real beej in The Brown Bunny (2003) does a lot of lying in bed without his shirt on, showing off his lean torso. His character might never win, but that's some great skin! In another scene, Kiefer takes his shirt off to show his tats, as he's a sleazy but sexy piece of trash who could definitely scratch our bad boy itch. There are no consequences for telling the sexy truth: these are two fine pieces of man meat in Truth or Consequences, N.M.