The Italian drama series 1992 sheds light on Italy’s political upheaval that occurred in the titular year, a year full of judicial investigations into corruption that led to the arrest and conviction of many high profile political figures, forever shaking up the country’s government. The show follows six ordinary people’s lives, Leonardo Notte (Stefano Accorsi), Milan’s district attorney, who leads the investigations; Luca Pastore (Domenico Diele), a police officer that contracted AIDS due to the greed of a pharmaceutical firm selling tainted blood; Rocco Venturi (Alessandro Roja), a young cop on a mission; Veronica (Miriam Leone), a mistress that has her eyes set on a television career; and Pietro Bosco (Guido Caprino), a Gulf War veteran, whose life changes when he saves the life of political hotshot; and Bibi (Tea Falco), the daughter of a influential tycoon.
If you like Italian politics, and you like to see hunky dudes in the nude, then this is the show for you. The pilot episode gave us all-points nudity from Domenico Diele as he inspects of inch of his body in the mirror. Also, Stefano Accorsi goes ass out while banging the heck out of a chick. Who knew politics could be so revealing!