Malik Khan (Riz Ahmed) is a decorated combat veteran Marine, a super dad, and most importantly well aware of the looming threat of alien invasion coming in the form of mind infesting bugs! He sees them in his hotel room, creeping and crawling around, looking to take over the planet and anyone they touch. So the soldier gears up to save the only two things he cares about in the soon to be invaded world, his two young sons. Malik sneaks them out of their mother's house in the wee small hours to take them on a road trip to safety from the impending doom befalling all the insects in the forests round them. As the "cool dad" takes his sons farther and faster away from the threat, we begin to think that maybe the "Sci-fact" of the aliens coming for them might actually be just good old fashioned paranoia spurred by severe PTSD, especially when his older son begins to question how much bug spray his dad is using on him and his brother, and even more so when he has a disturbing encounter with a highway patrolman. We aren't sure whether his paranoia is founded because there is just enough evidence of bugs coming for them to make your spine creepy crawl along with Malik. As they saying goes, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't coming after you!!! Or something along those lines, right? Anyway, the beyond talented and sexy Riz Ahmed shines and shows off his shirtless torso as super dad in this sci-fi thriller, Encounter.