Everything Will Be Fine (2021) is a Netflix original TV series from Spain about a couple who have separated, but they live together for their kid. Uh oh! It's like stay together for the kids, but they aren't staying together. They are coexisting as roommates to co-parent their kids. This is a hilarious dramedy that explores these kinds of relationships and asks what it really means to be good parents and a good partner, whether or not you are romantically entangled. Diego Luna actually created this series, so we had high hopes for some sexiness. Obviously, we did because Diego Luna himself has a great track record. However, Diego is not in this series. He's just the mastermind behind it. Instead, we are treated to the hunky Spanish actor named Flavio Medina. Everything will truly be fine once you see Flavio Medina make his nude debut. Flavio Medina plays Ruy who is naked in the background of a scene as a woman walks into the bedroom. In the blurry background, Flavio is standing beside the bed with his back to the camera. Check out that backside and his hot, meaty back. Flavio is a total snack. When the chick leaves the scene (finally!), the camera focuses better on our background bae. We get to see his ass a little more clearly until he pulls up his underwear and hides the goods from us once and for all. He still looks sexy while he is shirtless. What's your favorite flavor? It's Flavio!