Set in the world of the hit Amazon Prime Original Series The Boys, and taking place concurrently with that show's fourth season, Gen V is a 2023 spin-off series following a new crop of superpowered humans attending Godolkin University School of Crimefighting, aka God U. The first season follows a group of students that include regenerative healer Marie Moreau (Jaz Sinclair), metal manipulator Andre Anderson (Chance Perdomo), grower and shrinker Emma Meyer (Lizze Broadway), the Superman-esque Golden Boy (Patrick Schwarzenegger), mind controller Cate Dunlap (Maddie Phillips), the invulnerable Sam (Asa Germann), and the quite literally gender fluid Jordan Li played by both London Thor and Derek Luh.
Needless to say, they got super creative with the nudity in this show. Patrick Schwarzenegger goes shirtless twice and also shows off (a sadly cgi) dick on fire, while we get more cgi dick from Robert Bazzocchi when Lizze Broadway's character shrinks down to jack him off! We get some non-cgi nudity as well with Siddharth Sharma baring his butt during a sex scene, and Asa Germann goes shirtless for good measure!