The History Channel miniseries Houdini brought its magic to the small screen in 2014, following the titular death-defying escape artist (Adrien Brody) from his birth in Budapest to his birth as the greatest illusionist/escape artist to ever live. Written by Nicholas Meyer, the man behind a few of the Star Trek movies, the miniseries kicks off with young Erich Weiss growing up as a Jewish immigrant from Budapest. For a long time, he's a fledgling magician trying to get people to care about his act, and even a spy during World War One. Quite far from an internationally known sensation. Houdini’s career really takes off when he hires an assistant, Jim Collins (Evan Jones), the gifted craftsman and inventor of his various devices including the iconic Chinese Water Torture Tank. In between wowing audiences, Houdini works his magic on his dame Bess (Kristen Connolly), making his dink disappear inside of her. More importantly, the escape artist sets on a path to debunk fake spiritualists and other con artists all in the name of his dead mom (Eszter Onodi). Critics weren't huge fans of all the narration but applauded the magic effects. Mr. Man was reaching for his magic wand to do a little fapacadabra seeing Adrien Brody show off his fine physique! Adrien flashes underwear bulge and abs in multiple scenes of illusion and magic that'll make your pants disappear. The best one comes when he's all tied down in chains, and we get to see a serious bulge as he wears only a leather Speedo. Naked and wrapped up in chains? How kinky! Mr. Man was strait-jack-eting it to Houdini!