TV Land’s Impastor centers around a man named Buddy Dobbs (Michael Rosenbaum), who isn't doing too great. The gambling junkie is not very responsible with his finances and has the attention of some dangerous loan sharks. When Buddy's girlfriend calls it quits on their relationship, he decides to call it quits on his life by jumping off of a bridge. Through a fast paced series of events, Buddy ends up alive and a stranger named Jonathan Barlow (Michael Bean) ends up dead. Buddy, whose moral fibers are thread bare, decides to steal the man's identity and see where his new life takes him. We're not into spoilers here, but we will say that Jonathan is a pastor, and that he's gay. Through his wacky adventure in stealing someone else's identity, Buddy might just find himself.
We’re really excited about Michael Rosenbaum, who has no qualms showing off his rosy bum. The New York-born hottie has an impressive list of acting credits, with his butt making an appearance in Back in the Day (2014). Keep up the skinning streak, Matt!