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This drama series surrounds a Canadian professional hockey team named The Mustangs. The story starts when Trevor, the newest star player shows up. He finds a team full of craziness, dysfunction, fun and wild times. On the ice life is easy, but wives, girlfriends, windows, kids and drama make the team’s off ice lives the real challenge.

Dillon Casey plays Trevor. In one episode an older woman who is on the team’s board comes into the locker room to check on her new star player. When she finds him wearing just a towel she yanks it off. She gets a good view of the tackle while we have to settle for his strong, youthful, smooth butt. In another scene he suffers a dongtastic initiation as the team ties a rope to his penis and dangles a bucket from it. They then toss pucks into the bucket. We get another great back view and a very quick frontal shot when a female team doctor must tend to his “rope burns.”

Dillon and the rest of the cast look great. They are in shape and we see them shirtless and wearing little or nothing in the locker room several times. It is sexy enough you might have “skin burns” on your tackle after watching a few episodes.