The sitcom Welcome to Sweden follows Bruce (Greg Poehler), a New York-based accountant to the stars that leaves the United States to move in with his girlfriend, Emma (Josephine Bornebusch), a prestigious banker, in Stockholm, Sweden. Of course, moving halfway around the world is a major step, and with no job or friends, Bruce seems like he is on a disaster course to failure. The comedy of the show kicks in as the fish-out-of-water American interacts with his woman’s strange family, especially her parents Viveka (Lean Olin) and Birger (Claes Månsson), and her slacker brother Gustav (Christopher Wagelin). Since it’s on basic television, don’t expect a lot of skin. Greg Poehler heats up season one, episode nine by showing off his manly physique in a couple of comical scenes. Greg Poehler will have you coming down with a serious and special case of Stockholm syndrome!