Mercenary (2016) is a very unique drama from writer and director Sasha Wolff. In this drama that takes place in New Caledonia, a young man goes against the wishes of his family and decides to move to France to pursue his dream of being a professional rugby player on the European circuit. Now, for anyone who doesn't know - and obviously, you're super smart so you definitely know, dear reader - New Caledonia is a tiny island territory that is owned by France in between Australia and New Zealand in the South Pacific. He comes from a Wallisian background, but he figures France won't be that different from his indigenous life on the island. That couldn't be further from the truth. He feels lonely and isolated from his ways and his people and faces some difficulties fitting into his French team. Speaking of French team, we get to watch all of those hot French men shower together with our leading man who is played by Toki Pilioko. Tasty Toki gives us a taste of his buns in the shower, but our eyes are all focused on the cocks that surround him in the shower! In another scene, we check him out shirtless and in his undies as he gives his team a rousing pep talk. Do you know what would put a pep in our step, Toki? Another looksie at your cock. Hey, we're happy with his ass, don't get us wrong, but we would love another act of charity. Oh, have mercy!