The buddy comedy series Playing House centers on Maggie (Lennon Parham), a mother-to-be who asks her best friend Emma (Jessica St. Clair), a single, career-driven chick to return home from her job overseas after she discovers husband is having an online affair with a muscular German woman (Anne Sertich). Being the great friend that she is, Emma leaves her lucrative job in China to come and help her bestie raise her baby. Besides dealing with the stresses of becoming a single mom, Maggie must confront her past, mainly her first love Mark (Keegan-Michael Kay), and deal with her judgmental mother. Don’t expect much skin from the primetime sitcom, but the incredible handsome Jason Mantzoukas gives the viewers a generous look at his bathing suit bulge as he sports a clingy red Speedo, and twins Jason and Randy Sklar get wet in a hot tub.