Red Dirt (2000) is a Tag Purvis film that looks at a young man in Pine Apple, Missippi. Griffith, played by Dan Montgomery Jr., is a country boy who spends his time hanging out in red dirt and tracing graveyard headstones. He was an orphaned child who was taken in by a friend named Lily Mae. When Lily Mae dies, her troubled daughters and Griffith deal with the aftermath in Pine Apple and wonder what they should all do with their lives. Griffith is determined to leave, but he doesn't want to abandon Lily Mae's daughters whom he has known his entire life. Will he find his own path in life or will he stick around out of obligation? A stranger's arrival changes the chain of events and lets Griffith open up as he explores his options. This is the main story in Red Dirt, but we also get to see Dan Montgomery get naked and we like that a lot. He makes love under a tree to a lucky lady, which shows us the top half of his white tan-lined tush. He and a young Walton Goggins also show off their bodies when they take an outdoor shower. Walton straight-up takes off his clothes and lets the water pour down on his chiseled abs. He and Dan also make out in a smooch-fest that has us panting for more. Red Dirt is giving us some passion that will make your balls a good way!