The Swedish series Snöänglar, or Snow Angels, made its debut on Swedish television early in the Spring of 2021. The series deals with the mysterious disappearance of a small child just two days before Christmas in the middle of a fierce snow storm. Baby Lukas is only five weeks old when his parents Salle (Ardalan Esmaili) and Jenni (Josefin Asplund) call the police in a frenzy because they cannot locate him anywhere in their house. On Christmas morning, Jenni calls the police again because she's woken up and her husband Salle is now missing as well. A sympathetic but seasoned police detective named Alice (Border's Eva Melander) is assigned to the case and while she wants to believe Jenni's story, she has a hard time accepting certain gaps in the story's logic. Their story is intercut with those of a runaway pregnant teen and a home nurse, with all the character's stories colliding eventually in one way or another. The longer the truth stays hidden, the more people are going to get hurt, particularly any who aren't directly involved with the incidents that set these events in motion! What a tangled web we weave, and so forth and so on... The spoiler averse among you may want to avoid the info on the show's only nude scene! Ardalan Esmaili's character Salle goes to prison at one point and we see his strip search, and though the camera angle blocks us from seeing anything below his substantial man bush, we do get a nice look at the top half of his ass when he spins around! Snow Angels will have you listening to the devil on your other shoulder!