The Swedish limited series Mörkt Hjärta, or The Dark Heart, is based on the true story of a pair of star-crossed lovers and the tracts of land that divide them. Marcus (Gustav Lindh) and Sanna (Clara Christiansson Drake) grew up together on nearby farms and have been in love with one another their entire lives. This is despite the fact that Sanna's strict father Bengt (Peter Andersson) has forbidden her from seeing Marcus because his family is of lower social standing. Bengt soon threatens to cut Sanna out of his will entirely, and then mysteriously disappears shortly after making this threat, with the pair of young lovers quickly becoming the prime suspects!
While there is female nudity in the series, we sadly get nothing to gawk at here apart from leading man Gustav Lindh looking sexy without his shirt on while he and his co-star go for a sexy swim!