Supergirl is an American action-adventure series that premiered on CBS in October of 2015. The superhero series was developed by Greg Berlanti, Ali Adler, and Andrew Kreisberg and stars Melissa Benoist, Mehcad Brooks, Chyler Leigh, Chris Wood, and Calista Flockhart. Supergirl was moved from CBS to The CW for its second season which debuted in October of 2016. The series follows Superman’s cousin, Kara Zor-El, who is sent to Earth and must learn to embrace her powers all while fighting crime in her city. We get some really super looks at the captivating Chris Wood who plays a superhero with similar powers to Superman and Supergirl. Chris shows off his chiseled chest as he lies unconscious with Supergirl at his side. The sight of Chris’ amazing abs and perky pecs must be our kryptonite because he’s got us feeling weak! The sexy Chris is definitely giving us wood!