Guillermo del Toro’s psychological drama The Devil’s Backbone (2000) focuses on Casares and Carmen (Federico Luppi and Marisa Paredes), owners of a small orphanage in a distant part of Spain during the Spanish Civil War. Helping the caring couple are Jacinto (Eduardo Noriega), the odd groundskeeper, and Conchita (Irene Visedo), a teacher. When ten-year-old Carlos (Federico Tielve) is left at the orphanage, he befriends Jaime (Iñigo Garcés), the tormenting bully, and begins seeing a ghost that gives unfavorable predictions about the life expectancy of those dwelling in the frightful foster home. There’s not much skin in this moody melodrama, but after having sex with Irene, the handsome Eduardo strolls around the room in the nude. Unfortunately, it’s all a tease, because we never get a good view of anything. You’ll have to check out some of Eduardo’s other movies to get a longing look at his lovely body.