Jeff Bridges plays a radio DJ in The Fisher King (1991), a too-clever-for-Hollywood film about redemption and the power of friendship. Bridges’s life falls apart when he inadvertently convinces a psychopath to kill several people at an L.A. restaurant. He loses his job and a few years later is assaulted on the street by a maniac arsonist. Robin Williams, playing a wise-ass bum, saves Bridges’s life and convinces him to go off in pursuit of an imaginary holy grail. Fine performances all around make for an engaging experience.
Williams is known for his manic mannerisms and rapid delivery and after this, he will be known for his hirsute nudity. About halfway through the movie, his character is in Central Park doing some sort of rain dance/cloud ritual (he’s crazy, so who knows?). In order to complete the ritual correctly, he strips naked and starts jumping around. There are some skintastic views of his manic moon and even a couple shots of his Mork dork and pants planets flopping around. It’s not the biggest package, but it will still drive you crazy.