The Whispers is ABC's supernatural science fiction drama based on the 1951 Ray Bradbury short story "Zero Hour" about a paranormal force that haunts the planet through an unlikely surrogate - young children. As the innocent kids unwittingly serve the unseen entity, the rest of humanity scrambles to save them as the clock counts down to inevitable destruction. The fantastically fit TV vet Milo Ventilmiglia makes Episode 7 titled "Whatever It Takes" truly memorable as he makes an appearance in nothing but a pair of bulging white briefs as he hops into bed, baring his tattooed chest. The scene extends as he reaches for his iPad and starts surfing the web. But surely he's the sexiest content to be found! A better title for this episode would be "What Took So Long?" Don't the writers know the best way spread word of mouth on The Whispers is by getting the muscled Milo naked as often as possible?