Would your dad stage your death to make it look like a suicide if you accidentally died doing the whole David Carradine jerk off with a rope around your neck thing? If not, take that coffee mug back because he is not the World's Greatest Dad (2009). Instead, that title belongs to Lance (Robin Williams), a failed writer turned poetry teacher raising his teenage misogynist and compulsive masturbator son Kyle (Daryl Sabara). When Kyle accidentally dies by autoerotic asphyxiation, his father salvages the boy’s reputation by convincing everyone his death was a tragic suicide. The fake suicide note Lance writes is beautifully written, so Kyle becomes a bit of a tragic icon at the school where Lance works. Lance is proud to see his writing touch so many people, so he takes things further and writes an entire journal purporting to be Kyle's, which becomes such a sensation the story attracts the attention of the national media. Lance is basking in the glory of his writing finally getting read, but Kyle's friend Andrew (Evan Martin) is very suspicious that his loser buddy was actually a brilliant writer deeply in touch with his feelings. Will Andrew blow the lid off the whole thing? Will Lance feel bad about exploiting his son's death and fess up, or is the world's greatest dad going to keep propagating the world's greatest hoax? We don't get to watch Kyle choke himself to death while choking the chicken, but we do get a full-frontal look at Robin Williams! Robin is the world’s great dad because he’s kind enough to give us a view of his Mork and Ork as he goes for a naked dip in the pool. He's skinnydipping in the school pool, knowing his life is pretty much over anyways after he admits what he's done. He jumps off the high dive with his hog hanging out, then flashes a bit of bum while he's upside down! As he does a quick lap, Mr. Man has a quick fap! That's a great body on the World's Greatest Dad!