Barracuda (2016) is a swim-obsessed TV series about Danny Kelly (Elias Anton) who is a talented swimmer attending the ritzy Melbourne private school on a scholarship. He's a working class boy with immigrant parents who gets picked on by the more privileged students. He overcomes the harassment while working hard with his coach Frank Torma (Matt Noble) and competing with his rival Martin Taylor (Ben Kindon).
A swimming show? Oh, you know it's gonna be full of muscled men sporting speedos! Barracuda does not disappoint. In one episode Elias and Ben shower in their speedos which perfectly couch their bulges. Elias hugs Ben in a tantalizing and suggestive scene that begs us wanting more! In a later scene, Ben and Elias undress before bed and Ben actually takes off his underwear to reveal his tight tush. They then get into separate beds and start jerking off - we're right with you, boys! In another delightful scene, a bunch of swimmers are shirtless in their speedos in the locker room - Elias, Ben, Rhys Mitchell, Andrew Creer, Joel Lok, Will Sutherland. It's a real feast for our eyes!