Secret City is an Australian six episode mini-series that premiered on Foxtel’s Showcase on June 6th, 2016. The drama is based on Chris Uhlmann and Steve Lewis’ novels The Marmalade Files and The Mandarin Code. Secret City takes place in Canberra, and follows senior political journalist Harriet Dunkley as she risks her life to unearth a series of interwoven conspiracies during rising tension between China and the U.S. The series also evokes some rising tension in our pants. Several Aussies strip down and these sexy actors from down under make our down unders start acting funny. If this Australian drama doesn’t make you cry, you can be sure to at least shed a tear as you watch the handsome Dan Wyllie almost bare it all in a steamy shower scene in the second episode, “The Watchers.” We’re not sure if their toilets actually flush the opposite direction, but we’re damn glad they have clear glass shower doors in their bathrooms.