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Baton Rouge

Baton Rouge (1988)

Great Nudity!

Top Scene


Gigolos get lonely too, so in the foreign thriller Baton Rouge (1988) Antonio (Antonio Banderas. See what they did there?), seduces a wealthy woman, but not to build a relationship.  No, he hatches a plot with his meal ticket’s psychiatrist to murder her husband and frame her for the crime. You know what they say about best laid plans.  This one backfires, leading to skintrigue, and double cross.  Ain’t love grand?

For a guy who makes his living bedding women, Antonio keeps his tool belt hidden for most of the movie.  We do get a glimpse of his baton as he is getting into a bathtub.  He’s bending over so the display is quick, but a brief Banderas baton bow is better than nothing.