The Netflix drama series Bloodline follows the Rayburns, the owners of a successful resort in the Florida Keys, and centers on eldest son Danny (Ben Mendelsohn), a shiftless fellow who returns home for a family reunion and a celebration for his parents (Sam Shepard and Sissy Spacek), who are being honored. Of course, Danny’s appearance garners various reactions from his siblings: John (Kyle Chandler), a police officer who is suspicious of his brother’s intentions thanks to the shady company he keeps; Meg (Linda Cardellini), a lawyer who is happy to see Danny and is willing to give him the benefit of the doubt; and Kevin, a hothead in a fragile marriage, who likes his big bro but certainly doesn’t trust him. Everything changes when something tragic happens to Danny, ultimately creating a ripple effect that quickly reverberates through the Rayburns’ household.
The pilot episode provided us with a long look at Ben Mendelsohn’s behind as he wakes up on the middle of a pier. Nobert Leo Butz also manages to tease a look at his tail as he gets dressed for the day and then spends some time shirtless when he hops out of bed. Best of all, John Leguizamo spouts of a naked rant, showing her perfect ass and shaft as he throws stuff around the room. These two hunks will certainly get your blood flowing!