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Golden Kamuy

Golden Kamuy (2024)

No Nudity

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2024's Golden Kamuy is based on the popular Japanese manga of the same name and is about an epic treasure hunt that takes place in Japan in the early 1900s. Skinema is having a serious Japan obsession in the 2020s, with Golden Kamuy on the heels of the skin-filled Shogun. Unfortunately, sexy boy Kento Yamazaki's appearance in Golden Kamuy leaves much to be desired. He plays the hot and scarred Saichi Sugimoto. The camera does everything it can to avoid catching Kento Yamazaki nude, and tragically, it succeeds. A promising getting-out-of-the-sauna shot is destroyed when we only see the legs and the torso, and nothing in between. What might have been. Doesn't he remember our Golden Rule? ABN - Always Be Nude!