Hand of Godis a series from Amazon Prime whose pilot episode debuted on the streaming service in the summer of 2014. The show stars Ron Perlman as Judge Parnell Harris, a man who believes that he can now hear direct orders from God after being "reborn." His son is in a coma after a suicide attempt that was spurred by seeing his wife get raped. Infused with the word of God, the judge sets out on a vindictive quest to find his daughter-in-law's rapist and deliver justice to their entire town. If people don't condemn him as crazy first, that is.
It would appear that God is telling the entire cast to disrobe, as there are more sexy, shirtless guys than we can count on two hands. Muscular, tattooed Garrett Dillahunt strips down to show off his ink, Hunter Parrish shows off his perfect ass during a skintastic sex scene, Jon Tenney comes in to bone the mayor's wife, and Julian Morris plays the decidedly horny reverend who rips off his clothes to bang a girl on the church piano. Ron Perlman shows his silvery chest hair in plenty of sex scenes, Wes Chatham pulls down his pants at the request of the judge, and Santiago Segura makes strung out look sexy. We're not sure what the Hand of God wants us to do, but we definitely know what our hand is ready to do!