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Human Nature

Human Nature (2001)

Brief Nudity
  • Genres: Comedy
  • Directed by: Michel Gondry
  • Rated: R
  • Theatrical Release: 04/12/2002
  • Home Release: 12/10/2002
  • Country: USA
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Human Nature (2001) is a film about a woman who has a genetic disorder that makes her grow hair everywhere like an ape. She has it removed with a laser regularly, but then she meets a scientist who is trying to turn a man raised to be an ape into a dignified gentleman. The three of them form a weird love triangle, but we're here to see Rhys Ifan butt-naked walking around outside. It's just human nature to be naked and it's our nature to lust after Rhys' rump when he does it! You'll go bananas for his pubes, too.