Based on the Eileen Chang novella of the same name, Lust, Caution (2007) is an espionage thriller directed by Ang Lee. Set in the late 1930s to the early 1940s Japanese-occupied Shanghai, the film follows an odd plot to assassinate Mr. Yee (Tony Chiu-Wai Leung), a top Japanese official. The plan begins when shy Hong Kong college student Wong Chia Chi (Tang Wei) finds shelter and comfort in a drama-based society that devotes itself to producing patriotic plays. The society’s leader, Kuang Yu Min (Wang Leeholm), isn’t just a supporter of the theater, he’s also a revolutionary figure with the plan of killing Mr. Yee. The thespian-turned freedom fighter uses his students to get close to his intended target. Wong uses her likability and charm to befriend Mr. Yee’s wife, Yee Tai Tai (Joan Chen), and in a matter of time she finds herself getting up close and personal with Mr. Yee.
Everything is going smoothly until Mr. and Mrs. Yee all of a sudden pack up and leave for Shanghai. Wong and Kuang have to wait three years to reignite their murderous mission, and the sexy student finally makes sexual contact with her target, which leads to an honest and emotional love affair. Will Wong have the never to go through will the plan now that she finds herself in love with Yee? Tune in to find out. Also, while you see how the film concludes, you can also get multiple looks at some erection-teasing, pubes-flashing, butt-baring moments from Tony Chiu-Wai Leung as he gives his mistress a deep dicking. Yue-Lin Ko adds the slightest bit of bunnage as he stretches to turn off the lights for some mattress humping. Caution: Lust, Caution will have you lusting for more skin!