The 2015 Amazon series Mad Dogs follows the comings and goings of four forty-something friends—Joel (Ben Chaplin), Lex (Michael Imperioli), Gus (Romany Malco), and Cobi (Steve Zahn)—that reunite in Belize to celebrate the early retirement of their old buddy, a shrewd dude with more than enough money to burn. While partying it up, he surprises his buddies by giving them his amazing Caribbean house. Sounds amazing, right? To celebrate their new gift the guys steal a yacht and have a blast aboard the luxury liner. Unadulterated fun turns to hell when a dead goat turns up in their pool and a kid in a cat mask wielding a gun comes to get back the missing boat. Looks like living in the lap of luxury isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. The pilot episode brought a lot of laughs and hijinks, along with some underwear-clad action from Steve Zahn during an intense sex scene. Mad Dogs will make you foam at the crotch!