The thriller No Good Deed (2014) co-stars Taraji P. Henson as Terri, a dedicated housewife, mother of two, and former hotshot prosecutor that has her life drastically altered when Colin Evans (Idris Elba), a murderous escape convict, shows up on her doorstep one night, asking to use the phone. With her husband (Henry Simmons) away on a golfing trip, naturally Terri does the safe thing by letting him in the house. Hey, she’s lonely, and her marriage is on the rocks, so who can blame her! It’s only a matter of time before the charming, good-natured intruder’s dark side comes out, leading to a terrifying night for the well-intentioned woman. Thankfully, Idris Elba takes time from bullying Terri to take a shower and flaunt his buff body. Elba can hold Mr. Man hostage anytime he wants to!