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Other People

Other People (2016)

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Hot as Hell is Other People (2016). Okay, we'll stop the Jean-Paul Sartre inspired Yoda talk because this one's actually a pretty funny and heartwarming comedy from former SNL writer Chris Kelly that acts as a pseudo-autobiography. Starring Molly Shannon and the always boyish Jesse Plemons, the flick is partially about cancer, but it's mostly about getting along (and sometimes getting it on) with people outside your clan. When David (Jesse Plemons) breaks up with his longtime boyfriend (Zach Woods) and hits a roadblock in his comedy writing career, he moves back to San Francisco to care for his sick mom (Molly Shannon). Up against a conservative dad (Bradley Whitford) who likes to pretend his kid didn't come out of the closet over a decade ago and must really struggle with being a homophobe in gay capitol of the USA, really young sisters who seem to hate him for no good reason, and a whole lot of people who just don't get him, David feels a little lost in the sauce. Things really take a turn for the worse when David's mom reveals that her chemo has been ineffective, and she is stopping treatment to go on hospice. His mom's dying wish is for David to reconcile with the family, so he does his best to get through the awkwardness and try to get along with the fam. Mr. Man's pretty sure he'd get along rather swimmingly with either Jesse Plemons or Zach Woods after the hot gay sex scene that has them both shirtless, with Jesse on top! Jesse's the soft bodied babe while Zach's the stick thin sex machine. They canoodle, cuddle, and consummate their relationship in a wildly hot scene! Forget Other People - we just want some of that pair!