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Random Acts of Violence

Random Acts of Violence (2020)

No Nudity

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Random Acts of Violence (2019) is a dramatic film that is filled with thrills and chills - plus a ton of action! This film is about a pair of comic book writers who created a character that they love, but they start to realize that there are a lot of odd similarities between the character that they created for their comic book series and some horrible real-life happenings. Did the character they create somehow make these things happen? Do they have anything to do with this? The two freaked out comic book writers start to investigate and wonder what is really happening as the character they created seems to take on a life of its own. This is a cool, fascinating film that comes to us from director Jay Baruchel and stars a number of people (including Jay!) who are worth watching. One such interesting star who really leads the movie through this maze of mystery is the only and only Jesse Williams. Oh, Jesse Williams with his gorgeous light eyes and tough body. We adore him! Jesse Williams plays Todd Walkley who goes shirtless in a hot scene that is worth watching before things get icky in the movie. He sleeps shirtless and is woken up by sirens blaring outside of his motel window. He gets out of bed to show off his hot shirtless chest and then he opens his door and checks it out. That is when we get an even better look at his body in this violent film!