The emotional drama Release (2010) follows Father Jack Gillie (Daniel Brocklebank), a recently defrocked and incarcerated priest. While in lock up, Jack’s fellow prisoners speculate the circumstances revolving around his crime, but they’re convinced that he’s a pedophile. Enter Jack’s teenage cellmate Rook (Wayne Virgo). When Rook is receiving a beat down, the imprisoned priest comes to his rescue, further earning the disdain of the cellblock population. In need of protection, Jack gets help from Martin (Garry Summers), a sensitive and handsome prison guard. Emotions ride high as priest and guard start an illicit love affair. But romance doesn’t last long when prison house toughie Max (Bernie Hodges) learns of the affair and alerts the bitchy Governess (Dymphna Skehill), leading to Martin’s suspension. Alone and without his bodyguard, Max relentlessly torments Jack. With his release date fast approaching, the soon-to-be-free inmate now plans for a life on the outside with Martin, if he survives. Since most of the film takes place in prison, there’s a ton of butt, balls and peen from Chris Bowden, Daniel Brocklebank, Garry Summers and Wayne Virgo. Lock up has never been this sexy!