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Russell Tovey

Russell Tovey Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Blond Hair

Nude Roles: 4

Birthplace: Essex, ENG

Date of Birth: 11/14/81

Real Name: Russell George Tovey

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Top Russell Tovey Scenes

American Horror Story (2011-2024) Sexy, sexy, shirtless
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With his innocent looks, blue eyes and exuding charm, Russell Tovey is a real dream that’s sure to feed your twink fantasies. The English actor has made quite a living on the boob tube, earning recurring roles on shows like Mud, Annually Retentive, Little Dorrit, The Job Lot and What Remains. Wow, he sure is a busy chap! Russell really got busy and a bit risqué when he flashed his fine fanny on the pilot episode of the fantasy drama Being Human. He’s human, and all man! The romantic comedy series Him & Her gave us another look at Russell’s cheeks as his bathrobe rises up during a moment of masturbation. Talk about art imitating life! On the HBO drama Looking, sexy Rus gave us another look at his bubble butt as he drilled his male co-star. Russell didn't stop the gay goodness there. He also starred in The Pass (2016) where he made out with his co-star in the shower and then cuddled with him in bed, showing us more of his fit derriere. He went on to play the famously nude role of Joseph Pitt in National Theatre Live: Angels in America (2017) which included a more of his beautiful backside. Russell plays Harry in Quantico (2016) in which he shows off more of his beefy upper body in several shirtless scenes and a bit of buns, too. And in 2018's The Pass, he cozies up to stud Arinze Kene - even winning the Manatomy Award for Best Spooning! 


Plainclothes (2025) - as Andrew

The Pass (2018) - as Jason

Nude, butt, gay, shirtless 01:23:08 Russell Tovey is taking a shower when Arinze Kene walks in and disrupts it with kisses. That's one way to get clean! (1 min 17 secs)
Nude, butt, shirtless, underwear Russell Tovey fleshes out his stage performance with the jiggliest ass around! (1 min 4 secs)

TV Shows

Flesh and Blood (2020) - as Jake

Years and Years (2019) - as Daniel Lyons

Legends of Tomorrow (2016-2021) - as Ray Terrill / The Ray

Quantico (2015-2018) - as Harry Doyle

The Flash (2014-2023) - as Ray Terrill / The Ray

Looking (2014-2015) - as Kevin Matheson

Nude (Jonathan Groff) , butt, gay, shirtless Ep. 02x03 | 00:23:14 Jonathan and Russell have a sweaty, groan-filled moment of penetrative sex. (2 mins 12 secs)
Nude (Russell Tovey) , gay, sexy, butt, shirtless Ep. 02x10 | 00:04:00 Russell shucks his shirt and begins making out with Jonathan, culminating in Jonathan pulling down Russell's shorts to reveal his rump! (1 min 45 secs)
Nude, bulge, butt, sexy, shirtless, underwear Ep. 02x08 | 00:00:06 Both Jonathan and Russell show their backside while enjoying a post-poke morning together. (2 mins 48 secs)
Nude, butt, gay, shirtless Ep. 02x02 | 00:01:30 Russell gets out of bed and shows his ass, but it looks like he forgot about showing us his dance moves. (1 min 22 secs)
Nude, butt, gay Ep. 02x01 | 00:22:14 Jonathan and Russell strip down for a butt-baring tussle in the forest. (1 min 49 secs)
Nude (Russell Tovey) , gay, sexy, butt, shirtless Ep. 01x08 Russell wows us with ass as he bangs away on Jonathan. (1 min 59 secs)

The Job Lot (2013-2015) - as Karl Lyndhurst

Nude, butt, sexy Ep. 03x04 Russell Tovey's adorable British buns are on full display as he gets his penis stuck in a drawer. We'll help with the lubrication! (10 secs)

American Horror Story (2011-2024) - as Patrick Read

Nude, butt Ep. 11x08 | 00:11:05 A couple of peeks at Russell's cheeks in the shower! (19 secs)

Being Human (2008) - as George Sands

Him & Her - as Steve

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