Stalkers is an engrossing four-part miniseries event from the premiere network for Filipino nudity, Vivamax! Wilbert Ross plays a man named Harry who stops by a massage parlor where he meets a beautiful woman. In fact she's so beautiful, charming, charismatic, sexy - the works - that Harry falls madly in love with her. He even begins to stalk her... which kind of makes sense quite frankly, since she gives him a totally insane massage that includes one of the craziest fingering scenes we've ever seen! That's right. She sticks her finger way up Harry's ass before having sex with him. This scene delivers our best look at Wilbert Ross' butt to date. But that's not the only nudity here. Rash Flores is filmed while having awesome softcore sex with a woman. Anyway, back to Harry. He gets in way over his head while stalking his prey, and soon finds out that the tables have turned and that he is now the one being pursued... to a possibly deadly end. Stalker? I hardly know her!