The television drama Tatau follows friends Kyle (Joe Layton) and Paul (Theo Barklem-Biggs), twentysomething buds that head to the Cook Islands for some fun and sun. This vacation is special because the two guys have been scrimping and saving cash from their dead-end jobs to afford the trip. Once there, the fellows sample a local hallucinogen and Kyle starts experiencing disturbing visions of a woman in red. Later, while snorkeling, Kyle stumbles upon a corpse that has a striking resemblance to the chick in his visions. When the police come to investigate, the body mysterious disappears. It’s then that Kyle convinced Paul to help him solve the mystery, even as their trip to paradise turns into nightmare. On the pilot episode, Joe Layton steals the show when he bares his butt as an angry lady chases him out of a shed. Also, Theo Barklem-Biggs tease a shirtless view as he babbles in bed with a chick. We’d love to go on a holiday with these two hunks!