Written, directed and produced by chronic overachiever Tyler Perry, The Haves and the Have Nots is a drama series that follows the comings and goings of the affluent Cryer family and their hired help who maintain their opulent mansion. Airing for eight seasons on OWN starting in 2013, on the outside, Jim Cryer (John Schneider) and his wife, Katheryn (Renée Lawless) appear to have the perfect life. Jim's a powerful judge in Savannah and Katheryn's a wealthy socialite, but Kim's got a hooker problem which leads to a girl he's enlisted the services of named Candace (Tika Sumpter) showing up on his doorstep after becoming besties with his daughter. Awkward! Speaking of kids, their kids Wyatt (Aaron O’Connell) and Amanda (Jacyln Betham) cause trouble for the high society family. Throw in the Cryers’ sketchy maid, Hanna (Crystal Fox), her odd kids Benny (Tyler Lepley) and Candace (Tika Sumpter), and the elite Harrington family constantly feuding over who is the higher-class high society family, and the drama really takes over. The urge to pleasure yourself will take over when Gavin Houston shows off his abs, butt, and athletic body, as well as when Robert Pralgo gives us a look at his shower-fresh body. We have not managed to stop watching that scene one day since seeing it! Peter Parros is all macho and meaty when he shows his abs and muscular chest, while Tyler Lepley has the body of an athlete that should be competing in the Olympics. No chance he'll leave you with a limp dick! Have you heard that Bryce Draper shows more than a bulge, but a straight up cock outline when he strips down to his boxer briefs, while Brett Davis keeps things country when he takes his shirt off and bangs a babe in the back of a pickup truck. Throw in Philip Boyd driving all the boys crazy in a tiny pair of skivvies and you'll understand why we have to have the dudes from The Haves and the Have Nots.