The Order debuted on Netflix in 2019 and spent two seasons weaving a captivating tale of supernatural secrets set at a college called Belgrave University. Jack Morton (Jake Manley) is an aspiring college student who only wants to go to Belgrave. Why? Well, his mom was killed by his father (Maz Martini), and Jack is convinced the secret society at Belgrave known as "The Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose" is behind it somehow. Jack gets in, is recruited by the group, and realizes pretty quickly that The Order isn't like Skull and Bones, it's actually a coven of witches who use the dark arts to put their alumni, including Oprah, into positions of power. The only thing that stands in their way is the other secret society on campus: "The Knights of Saint Christopher." Those fellas are all werewolves, but since these are all college kids the show can get downright campy at times, with the two supernatural societies facing off in silly stuff like beer pong tournaments. A fun mix of supernatural murder mystery and teen drama made this one a whole lot of fun! But what really had us glued to the screen was all the hot college boys. We'll go ahead in say the ripped fellas who go shirtless in The Order in no particular Order: Adam DiMarco, Sean Depner and Jake Manley whose manly muscles leave us screaming when he shows up in just his underwear. But what was really what the doctor ordered was the shot of Jake Manley's seat meat! Yes, as part of an initiation ritual Jake has to get his buns tattooed, which he's happy to show off to some fellow students. Throw in a scene where Jake, Adam, and Thomas Elms all wake up naked together, covered in blood and you'll be drooling at all these sexual creatures! These dudes all show off their chiseled chests a whole lot, and it is more than worth a watch just for the bas and pecs alone. Get your life in Order and watch this now!