The Netflix Original Italian comedy Ricchi a tutti i costi, or The Price of Nonna's Inheritance (2024) centers around Giuliana (Fioretta Mari), the matriarch of a large—and greedy—Italian family. However, when Nonna is swept off her feet by the charming Nunzio (Antonino Bruschetta), the family members worry she's being conned by someone who is after her fortune. Her daughter Anna (Angela Finocchiaro) knows this best of all, as she used to date Nunzio. Now the race is on to discredit Nunzio in front of Giuliana and expose him for the gold digging hack they know him to be! In the midst of all this intrigue, Darko Peric not so subtly steals the show by dropping his towel to show off his bare beefy backside!