Netflix's Vampires (2020) is a French TV series about a teen girl named Doina (Oulaya Amamra) who is half-human, half-vampire, but struggling with pretending to be a normal human. All the vampires in France bow down to the vampire Queen Csilla (Kate Moran), except for Martha's (Suzanne Clement) family. They live underground, with the older two: Rad (Pierre Lottin) and Irina (Juliette Cardinski) coming up and sucking down on animals at the zoo, and her younger two: Andrea (Mounir Amamra) and Doina taking pills to suppress their vampirism and going to normal schools. She has a crush on her classmate Nacer (Dylan Robert), hates all the rashes the anti-vampire pills her mom takes give her, and is fed up with having to lie about her family. As her older siblings pressure her to put the pills down and embrace the vampire life, Doina is summoned by Csilla for a special project. Will she go full bloodsucker, figure out why her mom hate Scilla so much, and land her man? Or is she going to remain as human as she can? We hope she grabs a bloodsucker boyfriend, because vampires are always the sexiest, aren't they? Take a look at Jalal Altawil who shows his butt in a sex scene on a counter that is covered in blood. A bit of blood on the buns can't keep us away when they're that bloody tight! But there are plenty more hotties to ogle at. Take a bite out of Aliocha Schneider, Pierre Lottin, and Mounir Amamra who are all super sexy when their shirts fly off. And of course, you're going to want to get a look at the abs of Dylan Robert to figure out why that raven haired, ravishing young man has our vampire girl taking the pill. That one, too, probably. We'd love to suck them all off! Whether they're slurping on Type O or normal, hot humans, the men on Vampires were just our type!