The ABC Family sitcom Young and Hungry follows Josh (Jonathan Sadowski), a young tech entrepreneur who hires Gabi (Emily Osment), a spunky and klutzy food blogger, to be his personal chef. Gabi knows an opportunity like this is a dream, so she’s desperate to impress her new boss and keep her job. While trying to prove her skills to Josh, she has an uphill battle with Elliot (Rex Lee), his picky personal aide that would rather have a celebrity chef. The real test comes when Gabi must prepare a romantic meal for Josh and his girlfriend. But when the dinner is a disaster, the hopeful chef finds herself in an insurmountable rut. With the help of her best friend Sofia (Aimee Carrero) and Josh’s housekeeper Yolanda (Kym Whitley), Gabi quickly turns a bad situation into a chance at love. Okay, it’s a primetime comedy, so there’s not much flesh. Jonathan Sadowski adds a dash of his hair and manly chest during a fun moment in bed with his gal. Young and Hungry will make you moist and horny!