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Lennon Naked

Lennon Naked (2010)

Great Nudity!

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Musical legend John Lennon’s life story is well known, but this TV movie is the first time we’ve seen Lennon Naked. In 1964, at the height of Beatlemania, band manager Brian Epstein (Rory Kinnear) talks John Lennon (Chris Eccleston) into publicly meeting with Freddie (Christopher Fairbank), the father who abandoned him many years before. The meeting doesn’t go well, and over the years neither does John’s marriage to Cynthia Lennon (Claudie Blakley) or his friendship with Paul McCartney (Andrew Scott). John feels like a new man when he meets perv-formance artist Yoko Ono (Naoko Mori), but the rest of the Beatles aren't so keen on the Japanese interloper. And we all know what happened next…Hightlight of the film? Eccleston stripping down for Lennon and Yoko’s iconic “Two Virgins” photo. You don’t have to Imagine anything -- Eccleston is on display in full glory. It’ll be a Hard Days Night resisting the urge to see that over and over again.