1992 (2015) is an Italian drama that takes place in the early 1990s in the boot. In the early 90s in Italy, there was a lot of political upheaval and strife after The First Republic collapsed and Italy's first government after World War II is left in scrambles. This series follows six different people at this time after Mario Chiesa is arrested. While Italy struggles with corruption cleanup from the government and the mafia as well as police and public people, these six people struggle to live their own lives. For example,Louis DunetonandMatthieu Dessertineare two of those Italian dudes that live their lives in the 1990s. They do it by being gay as hell which is - it turns out - exactly what we were hoping to see. The two get down on the floor for some bare-naked bum-screwing on the carpet. We watch them caress, kiss, and say seductive and dirty things to each other before ultimately doing the deed. After they bone, they lay next beside one another. Louis even pulls out a video camera and starts filming his freshly banged out lover, zooming in one his now flaccid penis and black chest hair. We see both of their cocks as they lay nude and kiss each other again on the floor. Were you hungry for some Italian beef? Then you're in for a treat! Watch these scenes to see these guys serve their hot beef injection straight into each other's buns. Open wide!