Set in a deeply religious neighborhood of north Scotland, Lars von Trier’s Breaking the Waves (1996) is a disturbing story following a naïve, psychologically disturbed young woman Bess McNeil (Emily Watson) who falls in love and marries Jan (Stellan Skarsgård), an Danish oil rig worker, who introduces his new wife to the birds and the bees and his penis. After a tragic accident on the job, Jan becomes paralyzed, inhibiting his ability to perform sexually. The damaged Dane asks Bess to have sex with other men and report to him the details, which the doltish dame obliges, believing that it will keep her husband alive. As Bess awkwardly indulges in sex, the crazy couple’s lives begin to spiral downward. Skarsgård shines in the sex scenes, showing off his lean-yet-stocky chest and mighty meat seat as he drills Watson for oil. In a few quick glances, you can catch glimpses of Skarsgård’s oversized oil rig, as he places Watson’s hand on his dipstick. In a playful shower scene on the randy rig, Mikkel Gaup, Jean-Marc Barr and Roef Ragas show their curtain rods and wet rears. All this skin is sure to cause an oil spill.