Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001) is a love story set on a Greek island that takes place against the backdrop of World War 2. The “A” list cast and Oscar nominated director John Madden bring this story emotion, adventure and romance.
At the center of the story Christian Bale stars as Mandras, one of the Greek people living on the island with the invading Italians. Early on in the film, during a celebration, he gets hit on the butt and injured. When he goes to the doctor to get checked out he finds himself lying face down on the exam table with his pants pulled down and his taught Welsh tush on full displays. The would-be Batman’s sweet onion is so firm and perfect it will bring a tear to your eye as the scene goes on for a few minutes and allows you to soak it all in. The doctor brings in his daughter/assistant to check the wound and soon Mandras’s mom and others show up as the entire room admires his glutes.
Captain Corelli’s Mandolin is set in the Mediterranean so the weather is warm. There are plenty of shirtless guys (Bale among them) and there are some very sexy scenes involving Nicolas Cage as well. It is sweet, sexy and gives us some glances at some of Hollywood’s hottest leading men showing a little skin.