Cry Wolf (2020) is a tense drama from Denmark about a social worker named Lars Madsen played by Bjarne Henriksen who investigates a family abuse allegation. Holly is a fourteen-year-old girl who wrote an essay for school divulging details about the abuse she and her brother endure from their stepfather. After this essay is handed to Lars at work, he take it upon himself to meet up with the family which is when he sees that that fourteen-year-old girl seems frightened to see him. He takes that as a sign that things are much worse than the essay suggested and so Lars wants to immediately place the girl and her little brother into emergency foster care. The children's parents, however, adamantly deny the abuse allegations and hire a lawyer to bring their children back. Now Lars has to find a bunch of evidence of abuse to win this case, but he starts to wonder what the truth actually is. Lars uncovers the truth and wonders how much the children can be believed or if the truth is actually more sinister than they previously thought. Peter Plaugborg plays Simon Hansen who bangs this babe in a very dimly lit scene. His back is to the camera as he bangs a lucky woman against the wall. This means that we get to see his very lean backside and booty. That crack is giving us a heart attack! We're not crying wolf about how hot he is. We are howling at his full moon!