Ragnarok (2020) is a series where a small town in Norway is turned around when their typically cold winter gets unexpectedly warm and rainy. Is this global warming? No, it's Ragnarok! Someone has to step in and save humanity before it's too late. But who will that be? There are some hot, manly contenders that could do it. Jonas Strand Gravli and David Stakston are both shirtless and sexy to show off lean chests in different scenes.Herman Tømmeraaswears tight boxer briefs and no shirt that show off his bulging package. His penis is stuffed into his briefs in such a way that has us drooling. But if you want to see a cock, then take a look atGísli Örn Garðarssonwho is fully nude outdoors. He walks around naked in broad daylight to really showcase his Scandinavian seat meat.