The challenging, idiosyncratic softcore drama Glam (1997) follows Sonny Daye (William McNamara), an odd writer that heads to Los Angeles after his grandmother dies to visit his cousin Franky (Frank Whaley), a shady dude with even shadier connections. Impressed by Sonny’s writing abilities, Franky puts him in touch with Sid (Tony Danza), a crass Hollywood producer that’s quick to exploit Sonny’s talents for his personal gain. Concurrently, Sonny takes a quick liking to Sid’s sweetie, Vanessa (Natasha Gregson Wagner), inevitably pushing him into the dangerous, cliché-filled world of sex, drugs, and crime. Thankfully that world also involves Tony Danza getting shirtless, mainly while boxing in the ring. Doesn’t he always play a boxer? Nevertheless, Mr. Man would love to go a couple of rounds with the Italian stud!