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Into the Fold

Into the Fold (2021)

Great Nudity!

Top Scene


Into the Fold (2021) is an indie movie about death metal and cock. Okay, it is not actually about cock, but it prominently features dick, so this is a good opportunity to brag about that. J. Myschkin plays Jesse who is a bassist for a band, but he does not have a lot of opportunities to spread his talents far and wide. He starts sitting in on rehearsals with the successful death metal band Krime and he really enjoys playing with them. He wants to become a member of the band, but he learns that the band has some demands in order for him to actually become a member. Unfortunately, the prize is his penis. What the hell?! We won't get to the horrors of that and we won't spoil anything, but we will let you know that J. Myschkin has three hot nude scenes that show off his cock and balls. We get to enjoy his meaty manhood several times including once when he is just walking around a neighborhood without any clothes on. That's the kind of view we like to see on a walk!