Legend of Fall Creek (2021) is a horror-comedy that begins on Halloween night in 1988 in which the town of Fall Creek Valley experiences a wild night and a horrendous trauma. A young man named Robert "Bobby" Maxwell disappears from a Halloween party that night and is never heard from again, but twenty years later on the anniversary of his disappearance, a tormented soul named Bloody Bobby is back to seek vengeance on the people who "disappeared" him on that night long again. Anthony Hall co-directed this film with Ryan McGonagle who gives us the ride of a lifetime. They also give us the man of our dreams who eases all of the terrifying tension in this movie with some super sexy seat meat that belongs to a brand new guy who is taking off his clothes for our pleasure. Curt Clendinen plays Reggie and Alex and it does not really matter to us which character name he goes by as long as he takes off his clothes. In one scene, he gets out of bed but the covers can hardly cover up his backside. He walks straight to the bathroom which is when we get to see a teeny tiny peak at his tush. Not only that but in another scene, he flashes his hiney yet again when he gets out of a shower. The Legend of Fall Creek is obviously horrible and bloody, but this guy is single-handledly changing the legend to be all about his big fat ass.